Recent Updates and Upcoming Content

Recent Updates

Those that are part of our Discord community are always up to date what is coming next, for those that are not I put together this small summary.

Over the past weeks I have been updating all these guides once more. This is always a lot of work and not a lot of fun, so I hope you continue to find them useful. It is also the ideal moment now to complain that your favorite lens is not included 🙂

Some time ago I also removed the FE list from the header bar, as it hadn’t been updated in 6 years. To my surprise no one complained about it, so I guess no one is missing it.

Upcoming Content

There are many exciting reviews to be released in the coming weeks and months. We have received some extremely promising unreleased lenses, where we have to wait with publishing their reviews until they are finally being officially released – which sometimes can take several months.

nikon 58mm 1.2 ai ai-s f/1.2 noct fast 1977 reportage press review 42mp sony nikon z 61mp z6 z7 z8 z9 a7riv a7rv contrast sharpness bokeh vignetting portrait coma
Sony A7III | Nikon 58mm 1.2 Ai Noct-Nikkor | f/1.2

There will also be new reviews of affordable as well as expensive and exotic lenses from different decades.

The Analogue Adventures will also continue. Some new film stocks hit the market, but I will also be having a look at many discontinued ones, especially slide films. This is mainly thanks to two of our readers, who tracked down plenty of these for me.

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My name is Bastian and I am your expert here when it comes to ultra wide angle lenses, super fast portrait lenses (ranging from a 50mm f/0.95 to a 200mm f/1.8) and I also have reviewed way too many 35mm lenses. Don't ask me anything about macro or wildlife shooting though.

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6 thoughts on “Recent Updates and Upcoming Content”

  1. The excellent work you have done to put together the guides, both exhaustively in the amount of lenses reviewed, and succintly in the clear recommendations and descriptions, is commendable.
    The generosity of the effort and labor of love, to build and offer an excellent resource for fellow photographers, is laudable and much appreciated.
    I have great gratitutude for your work over the years. It has served me and many others well, and I always learn something when visiting reviews and comments of many of the frequent followers.
    The exchange of experience and knowledge, is propbably the single most important ingredient for development of abilities, acquiring know-how and sustaining the constant pursuit of improvement.
    The fact that this space has remained open over the years, is yet another merit I can only applaud.

    A big thank you, and may this space have a long life!

  2. Regarding lenses for upcoming reviews, I wonder if there is a chance you might review the recently announced Zeiss Otus ML lenses.
    Having seen a lot of animosity, critique and skepticism towards Zeiss and their new Otus lenses for mirrorless cameras – some certainly justified, and some not so much – I would love to hear your assessment on this not so welcome come-back of Zeiss to the photography market.

    1. At this point I say “maybe”.
      Personally, I don’t find big and heavy manual focus 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.4 lenses particularly exciting.
      Superior resolution (if that even is the case!) is no argument for me to pick those over one of the amazing AF lenses we have in that segment now. And from the first samples I have seen, these Zeiss lenses also don’t knock it out of the park rendering wise for me.

      I also need to check if my Zeiss contacts from 10 years ago are still working. When I run out of other lenses to review I may do that.

  3. I am avid reader of this website nearly from the very beginning and consider the reviews to be the best one can find nowadays. Some of them helped me to choose the right lens just for me. And yes, those were the days when I could only afford adapted FD(etc.) lenses. So I was little bit sad when I found those venerable gems were not anymore able to be part of the guides. But hey:”Times they are changing.”
    I am now too more interested in the current lens design, AF and so on. Keep them coming, I will gladly read any new article, even those Nikon oriented, one never knows… 🙂
    Thank you for your outstanding effort with reviewing so many lenses, films, etc. I realy appreciate the independency, consistency of reviews and overall quality of sample images(!). An unusual combination of perks.
    Wish you best luck!

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