Lens & Accessory Summer Sale

Many of us here at the Phillipreeve team acquire too many lenses (and sometimes also accessories) and with some of the manufacturers it also isn’t easily possible to return the review samples after we reviewed them, therefore a bunch of stuff is for sale.
Update September 6th, 2024: added new item

I will ship to all european countries and all prices are without shipping. If you live in Germany you can add 7€ for shipping, within EU should be around 17€.
Payment is possible via Paypal or Bank Transfer.

I will only ship insured with DHL. If you want to come to Stuttgart you can also check out the lens you are interested in in person and we have a little chat.

All the items come without warranty.

If you are interested, leave a comment with your Email address (it will not be visible to the public) and I will get back to you.

The following items are former review samples:

AstrHori 50mm 2.0 E

astr hori sony fe 50mm 2.0 fullframe lens contrast resolution 33mp 42mp 61mp sharpness vignetting a7riv a7rv a9 bokeh portrait compact
AstrHori 50mm 2.0

The same exact lens from this review.

This lens has only been used for the review and is in as-new condition.
Update: comes with retail box and both caps.

29€ + shipping

The following items are from my personal collection:

Voigtländer VM 21mm 1.4 Nokton

Voigtländer VM 21mm 1.4 nokton fle review sharpness comparison leica m10 24mp 42mp 61mp m11 bokeh vignetting
Voigtländer VM 21mm 1.4 Nokton with hood attached

The lens is in perfect condition and perfectly centered. Rangefinder coupling on my cameras is also spot on. It is the lens fromt this review.

Comes with hood, caps and full retail packaging. Camera not included.

999€ + shipping

MS-Optics 57mm 2.0 Petz

This lens has only been used for the review and is in as-new condition. Comes with full retail packaging and accessories (as shown in the picture).

Rangefinder coupling is calibrated for f/2.0, infinity hard stop is also calibrated.

Pictures taken with this lens can be found here.

749€ + shipping

What happened to the money I got for selling those left over review samples?

Some of it I use to cover customs and taxes I have to pay when receiving a lens from overseas (which is usually the case), but what happens to the rest?

Thanks to previous sales I could already donate 300€ to a cat shelter in Stuttgart. I like animals, cats in particular, I live in Stuttgart and I am 100% sure the money will be put to good use and not just vanish in their administration (they also have a lot of refugee-cats from Ukraine to take care of at the moment).

The company I work for gave a refugee from Ukraine – who came to Germany with her daughter and had to leave her husband behind – a job and a place to sleep until they are able to afford to rent a place of their own. The daughter is is pursuing a career in the media department and very much interested in photography (architecture and street), but of course cannot afford any decent camera of their own at this point.

I decided to prepare a Christmas package for her containing a used Nex 6 as well as a Samyang 35mm 1.2 (thanks to my friends from Bulgaria who pointed me to a good deal!), the NiSi 9mm 2.8 review sample and a few things I added from my personal collection (Thinktank bag, 64 GB SD card, a nice book and a better charger). The Nex 6 and Samyang lens I bought from the money I got from previous sales.

From the money for all the review samples that have been sold beginning of January 2023 500€ have been donated to Ahbap, a Turkish NGO helping the people in the Earthquake area.

In December 2023 I donated:
300€ to Katzenhilfe Stuttgart (animal shelter)
300€ to Tierheim Ludwigsburg (animal shelter)
150€ to Seehundstation Norddeich (seal research facility)

Thanks for making this possible by buying these left over review samples! – Bastian

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My name is Bastian and I am your expert here when it comes to ultra wide angle lenses, super fast portrait lenses (ranging from a 50mm f/0.95 to a 200mm f/1.8) and I also have reviewed way too many 35mm lenses. Don't ask me anything about macro or wildlife shooting though.

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96 thoughts on “Lens & Accessory Summer Sale”

  1. I’m curious why you are selling the 28mm / 1.4 since it’s the only 28mm in your “very best manual lenses” piece. What in that range do you find yourself grabbing for more?

      1. Hallo BastianK!
        Vorab herzlichen Dank und Glückwünsche zu dieser Website, mit den stets interessanten und gut gemachten Beiträgen!
        Mich interessiert das 35 mm von Voigtländer mit der PCX Linse vorne dran.
        Würde mich freuen wenn wir Kontakt herstellen könnten um den Kauf abzuwickeln.
        Beste Grüße
        PS. hoffe es ist noch nicht weg 😉

      2. Hello Bastian!
        I got the carefully paked Voigtländer, with all extras, original case and additional capes today.
        It is very astonishing for me, that the hole bundle here is looking better than on your Images to see above 🙂
        Thank you so much!
        All the best

  2. Hey Bastian,

    I really like your reviews – they have been exceptionally helpful when I was building up my lens kit so far. In the past I often re-read them before making final buying decisions. The most interesting item in this listing for me would as well (as mentioned in Scott‘s comment) be the 7Artisans 28/1.4 FE+. If you‘d consider selling it to me, I would be highly interested. Shipping then would also just be inside Germany (or by paying directly and picking it up, when visiting friends in your region – planned soon, anyway).



      1. Laowa announced it in China already, and there are a few reviews from Chinese YouTuber. Can’t wait to see your review😃

  3. Hmm… if you are looking for a kolari-modded mirrorless… do you think you might evaluate the IR performance of lenses? I really hope so, because that is a whole new parallel world of lens aberrations to parse and examine, and I’m certain your reviews could explore new territory.

  4. Hi Bastian,

    I already own the Brightin Star 0,95/50 and the Apoqualia II 1,3/35mm, but I would be very exited if you would decide to sell your MS-Optics Aporis 2,4/135mm 😉 If this should happen, please let me know. Maybe we could organize a cash & carry deal, since I am located in southern Bavaria…

    Best regards, Christian

    1. Hi Bastian,
      I might be interested in the Zhong Yi Mitakon 135mm 1.4 . Please can you email me.


      1. Merhaba Bastian. Yaklaşık 6 -7 yıldır bu siteyi taakip ediyorum. Çok şey öğrendim.Ayrıca sizi insagramdan taakip ediyorum, bir Türk kızıyla evliymişsin 🙂 . İstanbul’da tanışmak isterim. Saygılar

  5. Hi Bastian, I’d be interested in the Brightin Star 50 / 1.4 if that’s still available. Located in the neighbouring lowlands.

    1. Not the M43 ones as I don’t have a camera to do it.
      TTArtisan 35mm 2.0 is fine, yes.
      If you expect perfect centering from a 50mm f/0.95 or an MS-Optics 35mm f/1.3 lens I recommend not to buy either of them 🙂

  6. It’s a pity I have no use for any of these lenses (else I would have been glad to buy it from you), but I just want to thank you that you donate money to the catshelter „Katzenhilfe Stuttgart“ :–). I know that organization and they really do a great job. So thank you very much! Another friend of animals and especially of cats –


  7. Hallo Bastian,
    gerne möchte ich den 7Artisans Leica M -> Sony E Close Focus Adapter kaufen. Ich bin ja in der direkten Nachbarschaft und kann das Teil auch mal schnell abholen.
    Herzlichen Gruß

  8. Hi Bastian,

    I love this Christmas package project. Truly kind-hearted. Reading this in the morning (here in Canada) put a smile on my face. No doubt she will be delighted. What a great idea.

    Thanks to you and the rest of the team for one of the most interesting gear and photography related blogs online!

    Kind regards,

  9. Happy New Year! i would really like to see a Blog entry “The kit of the team-members in 2023” (like you did last year). Will it be passable?

  10. Hi Bastian,
    The 7Artisans 15mm 4.0 Asph E (#1) seems a good opportunity to explore UWA, I‘d take it. Thanks for all the great reviews, you make them super informative and entertaining at the same time 🙂 !

  11. Hallo Bastian,
    ich bin am Adapter “Fotga C/Y to Sony E” interessiert.
    Ich wohne in Münster.

    Herzliche Grüße,

          1. Das habe ich natürlich schon gemacht: nichts.

            Meine E-Mail-Adresse ist korrekt, gecheckt.

  12. I have a question, how much does it cost to send to Poland, and what company do you use (name), courier or German post

  13. Hallo,

    falls das 7Artisans 15mm 4.0 Asph E (#2) noch da ist, ich würde es nehmen!

    Beste Grüsse

  14. Hi Bastian,

    I might be interested in the Zhong Yi Mitakon 135mm 1.4 .

    Please can you email me.

    Best Regards,

  15. Just a tip to any readers who might wonder about the Loxia 85mm f/2.4:

    Maybe it’s a bit slow for portraits (depending on the style of portraits you prefer), but it’s a wonderful short telephoto lens for landscape and architecture shots or just anything where you need perfect image quality at that focal length. The colours, contrast and detail resolution are all excellent, it is hard to provoke any flares and this is one of few lenses > 50mm which generate really good sunstars. I often use it for hiking, but the lens also excells at blue hour shots or demanding detail photographs. It is a joy to use this lens, and it totally outresolves also the 61 megapixels of a A7R IV or V.

    You see that I already got the lens, but if not I would be so happy to buy it here at such a substantial discount :).

  16. Interested to know why you are parting with the Loxia 85mm

    Do you now have another lens to cover this focal length, if so which one?

  17. habe Interesse am Loxia 85mm, tu mir aber mit dem Preis von 599EUR schwer. Hauptsächlich weil es auf ebay kaum verkauft wird, fehlt mir ein Vergleich.
    Im Angebot bekommt man das 85er lt. Geizhals neu auch mal für ca. 899,-, das Loxia 21mm für 1099,- wobei letzteres auf ebay beliebter ist und aktuell zw. 500-600EUR erzielt, zum Vergleich.
    Wenn kein Käufer gefunden wird, gerne ein Angebot an meine Mailadresse schicken :-).

  18. Hey!
    I’m interested in the Voigtlander 75 1.9. I’ve been looking for something like it to adapt to my Sony and since it looks like it works well on Sony bodies, I’d like to try it out!

    Thank you!

  19. Hallo Bastian, alle Jahre wieder…. Habe damals dein Ultron 2/28 II gekauft, und immer noch viel Freude damit. Ich bin am Ultron 75 1.9 interessiert falls es noch zur Verfügung steht. Bitte melde dich unter meiner mailadresse. Danke und liebe Grüße aus Tirol, Alex

  20. Hi,
    I would like to buy the 7artisans 9mm,

    hätte nur die Frage, ob die Bildqualität gleich ist mit dem Brightin Star?

    Schöne Grüße

  21. Hallo Bastian, I’d like to buy the Yasuhara Anthy 35mm 1.8. Been reading and loving the work and pics you guys are doing here for many years!

  22. Hallo Bastian,

    ist das Zhong Yi 50mm 0.95 M noch zu haben? Dann würde ich es Dir gerne abkaufen. Herzliche Grüße –


  23. Hi Bastian,

    I’de like to buy your TTArtisan 500mm 6.3 IF ED E

    Hope is not sold yet.

    Thank you for all your reviews

  24. Hi there,

    I noticed the flickr links for the C/V SL-II lenses listed here for sale, correspond to pictures for their respective review. Are those reviews coming, of were the lenses not worth the write-up?


  25. Hi Bastian,

    I am interested in the Sony a7r ii kolari moded. If its still available I would like to have it shipped to the Netherlands.

    Best regards

  26. Wow surprised seeing you selling the Kolari camera. It seems like the absolute best camera for you given your love of M Mount lenses but discontent with the Leica M Mount camera

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