Category Archives: Analogue

Analogue Adventures – Part 20: Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2 processed

Kodak Color Plus 200

Even with the limited amount of different color negative films available these days Kodak manages to confuse the people by offering two different “low cost” ISO 200 daylight films: the Kodak Gold 200 (which I already had a look at here and here) and this Color Plus 200.
From what I gathered the Color Plus is based on older emulsion technology leading to slightly grainer and contrastier pictures, so let’s have a look at some samples.
Processing (ECN-2) and scanning was done at Silbersalz35 in Germany.

color plus 200 color+ kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.8 | Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2
color plus 200 color+ kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.8 | Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2
color plus 200 color+ kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/8.0 | Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2
color plus 200 color+ kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.0 | Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2
color plus 200 color+ kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.8 | Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 20: Kodak Color Plus 200 ECN-2 processed

Analogue Adventures – Part 19: Fuji Superia X-Tra 400 ECN-2 processed

Fuji Superia X-Tra 400

Any film is hard to get these days, but the Fuji films are even harder to get than the Kodak ones here in Germay. Therefore I developed the habit of buying any type of color negative film I haven’t used before for this series – even when it means paying 20€ for just this one roll of Fuji Superia X-Tra 400.
Processing (ECN-2) and scanning was done at Silbersalz35 in Germany.

hologon leica m contax-g 16mm 8.0 8/16 center filter review sharpness leica m10 m11 sony e-mount adapter conversion sharpness distortion carl zeiss germany
Leica M6 | Hologon 16mm 8.0 | Fuji Superia X-tra 400 ECN-2
fuji fujifilm x-tra xtra 400 superior review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/8.0 | Fuji X-Tra 400 ECN-2
fuji fujifilm x-tra xtra 400 superior review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.0 | Fuji X-Tra 400 ECN-2
fuji fujifilm x-tra xtra 400 superior review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.0 | Fuji X-Tra 400 ECN-2
fuji fujifilm x-tra xtra 400 superior review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/4.0 | Fuji X-Tra 400 ECN-2

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 19: Fuji Superia X-Tra 400 ECN-2 processed

Analogue Adventures – Part 18: Choosing a secondary Camera


If you followed my Analogue Adventures over the past year you probably noticed I have been shooting quite a bit of 35mm film lately. Doing that, I discovered things I like as well as things I don’t like. Either way, I decided to continue with these Analogue Adventures as I think there is still a lot to be learned for me, but I also decided to get a second analogue camera with M-mount for doing that.

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 18: Choosing a secondary Camera

Analogue Adventures – Part 17: Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2 processed

Kodak Ektar 100

Ektar 100 is easily one of my favorite films: low grain, lots of details, lovely colors – simply what I would call high a quality film. Some of you may remember when I exposed a roll of badly expired Ektar, but this time let’s have a look what it can really do.
Processing (ECN-2) and scanning was done at Silbersalz35 in Germany.

ektar 100 kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.0 | Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2
ektar 100 kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/5.6 | Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2
ektar 100 kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 24mm 2.0 | f/11 | Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2
ektar 100 kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.8 | Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2
ektar 100 kodak review m6 leica analogue analog
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/2.0 | Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 17: Kodak Ektar 100 ECN-2 processed

Analogue Adventures – Part 16: Kodak Gold 200 ECN-2 processed

kodak gold 200 analogue leica m6 contax canon fd olympus om
Kodak Gold 200

Kodak Gold 200 again? Hasn’t there been an article covering this film already? Yes, but the Silbersalz35 guys started offering a new lab service in 2022 for developing some of the popular C-41 still photography films with the more complex ECN-2 process. But is it a good idea? I wanted to find out, I received the scans, so let’s have a look together.
Processing (ECN-2) and scanning was done at Silbersalz35 in Germany.
Update May 2023: more pictures added

kodak gold 200 analogue leica m6 contax canon fd olympus om
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 24mm 2.0 | f/8.0 | Kodak Gold 200 ECN-2
kodak gold 200 analogue leica m6 contax canon fd olympus om
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 24mm 2.0 | f/2.0 | Kodak Gold 200 ECN-2
kodak gold 200 analogue leica m6 contax canon fd olympus om
Leica M6 | MS-Optics 35mm 1.4 | f/11 | Kodak Gold 200 ECN-2
hologon leica m contax-g 16mm 8.0 8/16 center filter review sharpness leica m10 m11 sony e-mount adapter conversion sharpness distortion carl zeiss germany
Leica M6 | Hologon 16mm 8.0 | Kodak Gold 200 ECN-2
review minolta ltm m39 leica 40mm 1.7 hi-matic e miyazaki sadayasu modified lens contrast resolution m10 42mp 24mp 61mp m6 analogue contrast bokeh vignetting
Minolta CLE | Minolta/MS 40mm 1.7 | f/8.0 | Gold 200 ECN-2
Voigtländer Cosina 40mm 1.4 1.4/40 mc multi coated sc single comparison review leica m10 m11 m10r sony a7rv a7riv 61mp 42mp 24mp sharpness resolution handling build quality
Minolta CLE | Voigtländer VM 40mm 1.4 MC | f/8.0 | Gold 200 ECN-2

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 16: Kodak Gold 200 ECN-2 processed