Category Archives: Analogue

Analogue Adventures – Part 3: Getting things fixed


Topless M6

It has been two months since the second part of this series so some of you might have thought the analogue adventures already terminated, but the truth is “getting things fixed” took way longer than initially expected. So this time let’s have a look at these things and if you can learn anything from my mistakes.

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Analogue Adventures – Part 2: First Roll of Film


Leica M6 | Voigtländer VM 35mm 1.2 III | f/1.2 | Ektar 100 expired | color corrected

In one of my drawers I found two rolls of Ektar 100 from the times a roll was only 8€. Expired 2015. Not exactly properly stored. So a good opportunity to see if the exposure meter works and where I stand with the rangefinder calibration of this camera.
Processing and scanning was done at urbanfilmlab in Germany.

What lenses to use?

Leica M6 | Voigtländer VM 75mm 1.5 | f/1.5 | Ektar 100 expired | BW conversion

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 2: First Roll of Film

Analogue Adventures – Part 1: Choosing a Camera


Agfa Isolette – roughly worth its weight in strawberries

I shot analogue with two cameras in the past, a Nikon F80 and a Nikon FE2.

The F80 is actually a very modern camera which supports AF, VR, matrix metering and a few other things, but the rubber got sticky and I got rid of most of my Nikon lenses quite some time ago, so I have little incentive to use it these days.

The FE2 was better at giving the “analogue” feeling, but some parts of the mechanics are broken as the film advance doesn’t work properly. So on my first and only roll of film with this camera I ended up with a bunch of useless quadruple exposures.

The adventure of analogue photography ended for me here.

Until the day I was strolling through Stuttgart and discovered a camera store displaying a Nikon FM2, FM3a and F3 – all in mint condition and all – at least to my eyes – beautiful cameras. I got the idea of getting one of those, because: why not shoot some film for a change?

Continue reading Analogue Adventures – Part 1: Choosing a Camera