There are some lenses I would like to review one day, but the more interesting (read: rare and expensive) they are, the less feasible it is for me to buy them just to write a review.
Thanks to several readers here I already got the opportunity to remove several lenses from this list in the past, but there are still some left:
Sony FE 12-24mm 2.8 GM Review
Sigma 14mm 1.4
Sony FE 14mm 1.8 GM Review
Sigma 17mm 4.0
Samyang 18mm 2.8 AF Review
Sony FE 20mm 1.8 G Review
Samyang 24mm 1.8 AF Review
Sigma 50mm 1.2
Sony FE 50mm 1.4 GM
Samyang 50mm 1.4 AF MKII
Sony FE 50mm 1.2 GM Review
Sony FE 85mm 1.4 GM MK II Review coming soon
Samyang 85mm 1.4 AF MKII
Samyang 135mm 1.8 AF Review
MS-Optics lenses not reviewed yet
Hologon 15mm 8.0
Canon 50mm 1.4 LTM Review
Canon 50mm 1.2 LTM Review
Canon 50mm 0.95 LTM Review coming soon
Leica 21mm 1.4
Leica 24mm 1.4
Leica 28mm 1.4
Minolta 28mm 2.8 Review
Leica/Minolta 40mm 2.0 Review
Leica 50mm 0.95 Noctilux Review
Leica 50mm 1.4 Asph Review
Leica 75mm 1.25
Leica 90mm 1.5
Leica 90mm 2.0 Apo
Voigtländer VM 21mm 1.4 Nokton Review
Voigtländer VM 21mm 1.8 Ultron
Voigtländer VM 35mm 1.5 Nokton Review
Voigtländer VM 50mm 1.0 Nokton Review
Voigtländer VM 75mm 1.9 Ultron Review
Voigtländer VM 90mm 2.8 Apo Skopar Review coming soon
Zeiss ZM 21mm 4.5 C-Biogon Review
Zeiss ZM 85mm 2.0 Sonnar
SLRmagic 50mm T0.95 Hyperprime
Nikon Z 58mm 0.95 S Review
Nikon Z 135mm 1.8
Nikon PC 19mm 4.0E
Nikon Ai-s 50mm 1.2 Review coming soon
Nikon Ai-s 58mm 1.2 Noct Review coming soon
Nikon AF-S 85mm 1.4G Review coming soon
Nikon Ai-s 105mm 1.8
Samyang 14mm 2.4 XP Review coming soon
Sigma 105mm 1.4 Art Review
Canon EF 50mm 1.0 L USM
Canon EF 50mm 1.2 L USM Review
Canon EF 85mm 1.2 L USM Review
Samyang 35mm 1.2 XP Review coming soon
Samyang 85mm 1.2 XP Review coming soon
Zeiss Otus 28mm 1.4 Review
Zeiss Otus 55mm 1.4
Zeiss Otus 85mm 1.4
Zeiss Otus 100mm 1.4
Leica-R 180mm 2.0 Apo Summicron
Nikon Ai-s 200mm 2.0 ED Review
Contax/Yashica Zeiss 50mm 1.2
Contax/Yashica Zeiss 85mm 1.2
Contax/Yashica Zeiss 200mm 2.0 Apo Sonnar
Olympus 250mm 2.0
How does it work?
If you happen to have any of these lenses, you live in the EU and you would be willing to part with them for a few weeks for me to write a review and support this blog please get in contact.
You can leave a comment with your E-mail address (it won’t be visible to the public) or you can find me on plenty of social media platforms.
I will pay for the shipping both ways, but for some of the more expensive lenses this might only be feasible if you are from Germany, as properly insured shipping even within the EU can already be several hundreds of €uros for both ways combined. Money, the reviews of the more obscure lenses will not generate in a hundred years 🙂
Latest posts by BastianK (see all)
- Review: Voigtländer VM 90mm 2.0 Apo-Ultron - February 9, 2025
- Review: Nikon AF-S 50mm 1.4G - February 5, 2025
- Review: Voigtländer 90mm 2.8 SL IIs Apo-Skopar - February 1, 2025
Wow, I can’t wait for some of these reviews!
I live in the USA. I have the Samyang 50mm 1.4 AF MKII and would be happy to send it. I own too many between 40 – 58mm so it rarely gets used even though it’s good. No need for you to pay for insurance and all that. I’ve never had any trouble.
Another lens I own and like a lot is the HD Pentax-FA 77mm f/1.8 Limited. Mostly because of it’s size. Since you value that attribute a lot, I had always hoped to hear your thoughts on it. I’d also be happy to send it your way. Sadly, this one also doesn’t get used much because I more commonly use the Samyang 85mm 1.4 AF MKI. I’m on my second copy of that lens because the first one quit. Probably should have just bought the GM.
Let me know if you’re interested in either of these.
Unfortunately insurance is only one part of the problem, the other one is german customs, so I unfortunately have to decline and wait for someone from the EU to call out 🙁
Good morning Bastian.
I live in Hamburg and can lend you the following 2 lenses
Samyang 18mm 2.8 AF
Samyang 24mm 1.8 AF
Best regards
I’d be happy to borrow you Sony FE 20mm 1.8 G.
I see someone else already posted the Samyang 18mm 2.8 AF, but if for whatever reason it doesn’t work out, I’m more than willing to part with it for a while, and give something back to my favorite lens reviewing site. Located in Belgium.
Hi Bastian,
I’m located south of Frankfurt and have the Sony 20 F1.8 and would gladly borrow it to you. I’ll even send it to you insured with an insured return label as a a small token of thanks for all the work you and the others put into this site.
As a growing number of my lenses stem from reviews here, I don’t have any other lenses listed here. I’ve seen that you’ve adapted FD lenses such as the Canon 300 2.8 in the past and have a very similar specialty lens there (Tokina 300mm 2.8) in case you’re interested.
Hallo Oliver, vielen Dank für das Angebot!
Ich muss mir tatsächlich schon eine Liste machen, wer mir was angeboten hat, ich melde mich wieder!
Hi Bastian,
I’m located near Munich and I could lend you a Canon LTM 50mm f1.4 for review.
Best wishes and keep up your great work,
Hallo Albert, danke für das Angebot, ich warte mal 1-2 Tage ab wer sich womit meldet und dann mache ich einen Plan, worum ich mich wann kümmere.
10 Reviews auf einmal gehen ja auch nicht 🙂
Melde Dich einfach wenn es soweit ist 🙂
Hallo Bastian,
ich habe das
Sony FE 50mm 1.2 GM
und bin gerne bereit mich für ein paar Wochen davon zu trennen. Ich wohne in Aachen. Sag mir Bescheid, sobald Du eine Idee davon hast, wann Du ein Review des Objektivs gerne angehen würdest.
Beste Grüße
Sent you an Email, but maybe I am too late 🙂
Hi Bastian,
I have a Canon 1.4 ltm. The focus helicoid is a bit harder than it should, other than that it works fine and I’m more than willing to part with it for some weeks, I really enjoy your reviews. I live in Switzerland (Geneva), so shipping shouldn’t be much of an issue.
Best wishes,
have you looked into renting some of these lenses? I’m in America so I can’t ship you any since it seems customs would have a Field day not to mention shipping but I’d happily donate to the cause. I read this website pretty frequently and would love to help out however I can.
Usually I spend ~3 weeks to review a lens, when the conditions are perfect I can sometimes do it in 2.
Renting something like a Sony FE 14mm 1.8 GM for only two weeks is already 400€ her in Germany,
so I would be better off buying a lens, reviewing it and selling it afterwards.
I actually did this several times, but with some of the more exotic/expensive lenses
it can take months before someone buys them. Therefore I try not to do this on a regular basis
and mainly for lenses I might be tempted to keep.
Hallo Bastian,
ich sehe, dass jemand anderes es schon angeboten hat, aber für den Fall, dass es dort nicht klappt – ich kann auch mein Samyang 24mm f/1.8 ausleihen. Vielen Dank für deine Arbeit!
MlG Nicolas
Hi Bastian,
some Lenses on your list I own. We may start with the Canon 50mm 1.2 LTM. I live 50km from Stuttgart.
Hi Bastian,
i am from Hamburg and could lend you these two lenses:
Nikon AF-S 300mm 4.0E PF
Sony FE 14mm 1.8 GM
Hi Bastian,
ich habe ein LAOWA 24mm f14 2X Macro Probe für Sony E und könnte es für einen Test ausleihen. Ein erstaunliches Objektiv.
Melde Dich, wenn Du es testen willst. Ich wohne in Berlin.
Grüße Hauke
Hallo Hauke,
vielen Dank für das Angebot, aber ich bin zu wenig im Makro Territorium unterwegs um da ein vernünftiges Review zu zu schreiben.
I own the 135mm Samyang FE 1.8 AF that you are looking to test.
I live in France, you can contact me if you are interested in a loan for a few weeks (I can do without it for some weeks 😉 )
Sent you an Email!
I did’nt receive it….
the _ in mail is not a – 😉
I’d love to see a review of the Sony 16-35gm II
It‘s far better than the previous version in every respect, significantly smaller, and the close focussing range makes it a far more versatile lens
It’s the best zoom lens in this range from any manufacturer