Category Archives: Review

Quick Review: Tokina 35mm 2.8 Macro AT-X Pro DX


Sony A7rII + Tokina 35mm 2.8 DX macro AT-X Pro
Sony A7rII + Tokina 35mm 2.8 DX macro AT-X Pro

The Tokina 35mm 2.8 Macro is an APS-C (DX) lens and actually quite old already (introduced around 2008). As I am using two cameras from the A7 series I am rarely interested in APS-C lenses, but this one caught my attention for several reasons:  I was looking for a moderate wide angle macro lens, it features 9 rounded aperture blades, it is quite small and cheap and I got word that it covers the whole full frame sensor at larger magnifications. Read on to find out whether my expectations were met!

Sample Images

tokina macro makro 35mm 2.8 sony a7 a7rII a7rm2 close backlit flare sharpness
Sony A7rII | Tokina 35mm 2.8 | f/2.8 | full resolution
tokina macro makro 35mm 2.8 sony a7 a7rII a7rm2 close backlit flare sharpness
Sony A7rII | Tokina 35mm 2.8 | f/2.8 | full resolution
tokina macro makro 35mm 2.8 sony a7 a7rII a7rm2 close backlit flare sharpness
Sony A7rII | Tokina 35mm 2.8 | f/2.8 | full resolution

Continue reading Quick Review: Tokina 35mm 2.8 Macro AT-X Pro DX

Mini tripods for mirrorless cameras


tripods mirrorless cameras velbon gitzo manfrotto sirui rrs kirk markins a7rii a7s

As a follow up to my Tripods for Mirrorless Cameras article I will now also take a look at some of the Mini tripods available (often referred to as table top tripods). Even the smallest tripod is better than no tripod at all, so let’s have a look at some ridiculously small ones you won’t find an excuse not to carry around all the time 🙂

Continue reading Mini tripods for mirrorless cameras

Review: Nikon Ai-s 180mm 2.8 ED


Sony A7s with Metabones Nikon G -> Sony E Adapter and Nikon AI-s 180mm 2.8 ED
Sony A7s with Metabones Nikon G -> Sony E Adapter and Nikon AI-s 180mm 2.8 ED

The Nikon AI-s 180mm 2.8 ED is one of the most famous manual focus Nikkors and reknown for it’s beautiful bokeh, great CA correction and build quality. It was also one of the first “consumer” lenses featuring ED glass. I paired it with the A7rII and A7s to find out if it is still a viable option today.

Sample Images

nikon nikkor manual focus ed 180mm ai ais ai-s tele lens fast sony a7r a7 a7ii a7s a7rii mark 2 series bokeh natur nature goose duck bird volgen
Sony A7s | Nikon Ai-s 180mm 2.8 ED | f/2.8 | full resolution
nikon nikkor manual focus ed 180mm ai ais ai-s tele lens fast sony a7r a7 a7ii a7s a7rii mark 2 series
Sony A7rII | Nikon Ai-s 180mm 2.8 ED | f/2.8 | full resolution
bokeh natur nature macro makro close up pk-13 extension tube nikon nikkor manual focus ed 180mm ai ais ai-s tele lens fast sony a7r a7 a7ii a7s a7rii mark 2 series bokeh
Sony A7s | Nikon Ai-s 180mm 2.8 ED + PK-13 extension tube | f/2.8 | full resolution

Continue reading Review: Nikon Ai-s 180mm 2.8 ED

Review: Zhong Yi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 Dark Knight


mitakon 50mm 0.95 zhong yi optical dark knight speedmaster a7 series a7rii a7r2 a7rm2 a7s sony e-mount fe
Sony A7s with Mitakon 50mm 0.95 “Dark Knight”

The Zhong Yi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 Speedmaster “Dark Knight” is a very fast 50mm lens with the staggering maximum aperture of 0.95. Compared to the Leica Noctilux this lens is very cheap, on absolute terms it isn’t, so find out whether this lens is worth the asking price!

Sample Images

mitakon 50mm 0.95 zhong yi optical dark knight speedmaster a7 series a7rii a7r2 a7rm2 a7s sony e-mount fe
Sony A7s |Zhong Yi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 | f/0.95 | higher resolution
mitakon 50mm 0.95 zhong yi optical dark knight speedmaster a7 series a7rii a7r2 a7rm2 a7s sony e-mount fe
Sony A7s |Zhong Yi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 | f/0.95 | higher resolution
mitakon 50mm 0.95 zhong yi optical dark knight speedmaster a7 series a7rii a7r2 a7rm2 a7s sony e-mount fe
Sony A7 |Zhong Yi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 | f/0.95 | full resolution

Continue reading Review: Zhong Yi Mitakon 50mm 0.95 Dark Knight

Review of the overhyped Meyer Trioplan 100mm 1:2.8


The Meyer Trioplan 2.8/100 is one of the most hyped lenses of the moment and prices have exploded to absolutely crazy levels. But do you get anything special but that soap bubble bokeh for your money? Read on if you want to know.


Diameter 64 mm
Length 36 mm
Filter Thread 49 mm
Weight 150 g
Max. Magnification 0.15
Close Focusing Distance from the sensor 1.2 m
Number of aperture blades 15
Elements/ Groups 3 / 3
Price (September 2016): $500 in good condition.
Check current prices at or (affiliate links).

Image Samples




Continue reading Review of the overhyped Meyer Trioplan 100mm 1:2.8