Filters for digital Photography


filter title hitech lee cokin system slot in screw polarzier nd gnd
Sony A7s with Loxia 21mm 2.8 and Hitech 67mm Filter System

In the film era a vast amount of filters was needed to alter the colours, the temperature or to add certain effects to the photos. In digital photography many of these filters have become pretty much useless as they can be recreated in post processing with the added bonus of more control over the effect without any disadvantages.
But there are also some useful filters which can’t be fully recreated in post processing and still have a place in digital photography and these are the ones I’m going to talk about.
Update 09/27/2016: at Photokina 2016 in Cologne I checked out all the big filter manufacturers and have updated some sections accordingly. I am also working closely with NiSi filters now – not just because I think their filters offer the best quality – but because they listen to their customers and I hope to be able to help them develope the first holder I find nothing to complain about 🙂

Continue reading Filters for digital Photography

Review: Zeiss Batis 18mm 2.8


Sony A7s with Zeiss 18mm 2.8 E Batis
Sony A7s with Zeiss 18mm 2.8 E Batis

The Zeiss Batis 18mm 2.8 is the latest addition to Zeiss’ line up of modern autofocus lenses and also the widest AF prime lens to date for Sony E-Mount. As many people (include me here) are now engaged in landscape astrophotography I am especially interested how the new Batis fares in this regard.
Last Update: Review finised, conclusion added, sample images added  (05/30/16)

Sample Images

carl zeiss batis 18mm 2.8 sony a7s astro astrophotography astroscape coma milkyway milky way star stars
Sony A7s | Batis 18mm 2.8 | f/2.8 | ISO6400 | 20s | panorama from 4 shots | higher resolution
santa cruz tenerife canary island zeiss batis 18mm 2.8 e mount sony a7s panorama blue hour sunstars reflection
Sony A7s | Batis 18mm 2.8 | f/8.0 | panorama from 4 shots
batis 18mm 2.8 sony e zeiss a7 distortion stuttgart ludwigsburg castle monrepos favorite barock
Sony A7s | Batis 18mm 2.8 | f/11 | full resolution

Continue reading Review: Zeiss Batis 18mm 2.8

Review: Sony FE 1.8/50 (SEL50F18F)


The new Sony FE 1.8/50 is the second more affordable lens after the FE 2/28 which I liked a lot. Has Sony created another winner?

Sample Images

Sony FE 1.8/50 | f/11 | Sony a7 | full resolution
Sony FE 1.8/50 | f/11 | Sony a7 | full resolution
Sony FE 1.8/50 | f/1.8 | Sony a7 | full resolution
Sony FE 1.8/50 | f/1.8 | Sony a7 | full resolution
Sony FE 1.8/50
Sony FE 1.8/50 | f/1.8 | Sony a7 | full resolution
Sony FE 1.8/50 | f/1.8 | Sony a7 | full resolution

Continue reading Review: Sony FE 1.8/50 (SEL50F18F)

Review: Voigtlander 15mm 4.5 E Super Wide Heliar


Sony A7s with Voigtländer 15mm 4.5 Super Wide Heliar E Aspherical
Sony A7s with Voigtländer 15mm 4.5 Super Wide Heliar E Aspherical

The Voigtländer 15mm 4.5 Super Wide Heliar E aspherical III is the first native E-Mount lens by Voigtlander. As there are three adapted Voigtlander lenses in my basic A7s-kit  – see my reviews – I simply had to try this one out!
Last Update:
Review finised (new Sample images, Use for astrophotography and Conclusion added)  (05/10/16)

Sample Images

schloss solitude stuttgart castle chateau mercedes voigtlander 15mm 4.5 sony e mount super wide heliar
Sony A7s | Voigtländer 15mm 4.5 SWH E | f/11 | full resolution
voigtlander 15mm 4.5 super wide heliar voigtländer sony a7s astro astrophotography astroscape coma milkyway milky way star stars
Sony A7s | Voigtländer 15mm 4.5 SWH E | f/4.5 | ISO6400 | 30s | higher resolution

Continue reading Review: Voigtlander 15mm 4.5 E Super Wide Heliar

Review: Contax Zeiss Distagon 2.0/28 T* AEG (C/Y)

DSC01741The “Hollywood-Distagon” 2/28 is one of the few lenses with a nickname. It is an adapted cinematic lens design for the Contax SLR cameras, but does it’s performance live up to the cool nickname?

Sample Images

Sony a7II | Distagon 2/28 | f/2 | full resolution
Sony a7II | Distagon 2/28 | f/2 | full resolution
Sony a7II | Distagon 2/28 | f/8 | full resolution

Continue reading Review: Contax Zeiss Distagon 2.0/28 T* AEG (C/Y)

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