All posts by BastianK
Review: 7Artisans 35mm 1.4 IF

The 7Artisans 35mm 1.4 IF came as a bit of a surprise as it features an internal focus design. Something, which is still rarely seen among M-mount lenses and a novelty for 7Artisans. But does this also translate to superior optical qualities? Let us find out in this review!
This lens will be reviewed on the 42mp Sony A7rII and the 24mp Leica M10.
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Review: Laowa 11mm 4.5 FF-RL

Laowa introduced 3 ultra wide angle lenses at roughly the same time in Summer 2020. This 11mm 4.5 FF-RL is in the one in the middle in terms of focal length and maximum aperture, but is it the goldilock’s lens in this set or should you rather stick to the record breaking 9mm lens or the low distortion 14mm lens? Let’s have a closer look!
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Review: Sigma 180mm 5.6 Apo Macro (MF)

Many of us have been looking for a small yet capable tele lens in the ~200mm range and so far we have mostly failed. Is this often overlooked Sigma 180mm f/5.6 macro the lens we have actually been searching for?
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Review: TTArtisan 50mm 0.95

The TTArtisan 50mm 0.95 is probably the most anticipated lens by TTArtisan so far, as – at least on paper – it rivals the famous yet unobtainably expensive Leica 50mm 0.95 Noctilux.
And for E-mount users it will be interesting to see if this lens performs better than the Zhong Yi 50mm 0.95 E.
This lens will be reviewed on the 42mp Sony A7rII and the 24mp Leica M10.
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